Uncover & clarify your roadmap to success.

Dynamic Results is an intensive, six-month coaching program designed for consultants, coaches, or creatives who are ready to expand their vision and play bigger.

You’ve built a business that allows you to support your family while following your passion — that’s amazing! Now that you’ve hit a few of your big milestones, you may be wondering how to reach that next stage of growth… and whether you even have the capacity.

You may feel as though you’re already stretched too thin serving your existing clients and keeping up with administrative clutter.

You may have a team, but aren’t sure how to lead them in order to access their full potential.

While it takes a lot of work to build a successful business, you may be working much harder than you need to be. If you want to take your business to the next level but the thought of scaling up makes you want to shut down, then we need to talk!  

I work with women who want to uplevel their six-figure business to half-a-million (or more) through leveraging their teams, developing their thought leadership, attracting their dream clients, earning their true value, and becoming the visionary, impactful industry leaders that they were always meant to be… without struggling and burning out.

Your business is ready to grow when you are.

Sustainable growth is impossible when you’re constantly juggling six different things at once. Between managing your operations, supervising your team, trying to generate new leads, serving your clients, and taking care of your kids, something's got to give.

In order to unlock the door to growth and balance in your business, you need to understand and embrace your role as a badass visionary and leader — and that means leveraging your strengths, staff, systems, and strategy.

Whether you’re looking to develop more effective scaling strategies, streamline and simplify your operations, build out a well-oiled dream team that can manage itself, multiply your revenue, spend more time in your zone of genius, or all of the above, my Dynamic Results program will help you narrow in on your best opportunities for growth and implement with more ease.


  • You’re a high-achieving consultant, coach, or creative who is currently (or will soon be) making six figures 
  • You’re ready to fully leverage your team and implement the systems that will help you scale with less struggle
  • You’re frequently at the ‘head of the pack’ in whatever you do, and need a coach who can help you amplify your results
  • You’re prepared to devote 6 months to working with a true expert in her field (that's me!) and set aside time in between sessions to implement

"I've worked with other coaches. They've never come close to as good as Lianne. I have told her many times she could charge three times as much and I would not leave. She knows how to extract the right information from me so that the answers come from me. She's not just feeding me solutions, she makes me think. The number one lesson I've gotten from Lianne is that the vision is never too big. Dream as big as you want, and we'll figure out how to get there. There are no limits."

- Rebecca L.


"The questions she asked me in the discovery call, it didn't feel like a sales call. It felt like the first coaching call. Just from that I was like, what a value! How could you walk away from that call not feeling like you’ve got work with this person? I like that directness of being really clear with her feedback about the things you don't see, and then not sugarcoating it. It's really helpful because that's the thing that you want from a coach; CEOs are not going to get that feedback from their team. Working with Lianne has given me the courage to work with the people I was afraid to work with before — and to believe that what I offer is really going to make a difference in people's businesses!"

- Jaime G.


"Lianne as a coach has been amazing. I would walk into meetings, not knowing on some days what I want to discuss, but she would just start the topic in a way that would get me to talk about what's actually happening. She's so good at picking up those things right away and just probing on those points and questions so that we actually get to the solution. When it comes to listening to what you're going through and what the next challenges are, she'll actually make you see things that you don't know are coming up. The way she coaches you through those business concerns and problems, it's just amazing and mind-blowing."

- Rasholeen N.


What could you achieve if you had the right playbook?

You’ve worked hard to hit six figures — and it’s a rare and remarkable achievement. But have you ever heard the expression “What got you here, won’t get you there”? The truth is that it’s going to take a lot more than hard work and hustle to make (and break) the half-million milestone. That’s why 97% of seven-figure business owners work with a coach. If you want to take your business to the next level, you need to invest in yourself — and if you want to experience different results, you must be willing to do things differently!

 While I have no doubt that you can reach your dreams and goals on your own, working with an experienced coach will help you get there faster and with far more ease. Dynamic Results is designed to help you clarify and achieve your big goals through a blend of strategic guidance, mindset work, expert support, and accountability.


  • A Full-day ‘Strategy Jam’ (in person or by video), where you and I will do a deep dive into your business and get laser-focused on your big goals and desired results
  • Biweekly 50-minute coaching calls for a 5-month period (10 calls in total)
  • Ongoing email & Voxer support when you need it most
  • 1 year of membership in the Mamas & Co. community
  • Full access to my online resource library packed with courses, tools, and trainings, with new content added each month
  • 2 x VIP Mastermind Days throughout the year with my other VIP clients - a great opportunity to network with other women playing a big game
  • Access to my annual multi-day Mindset Retreat in Panama (typically late January/early February)

Dynamic Results focuses on 3 key areas of success.


Cultivating the right business mindset is foundational to achieving real and lasting success. And just like having a healthy body, having a healthy mindset requires consistent training. Through mindset coaching, you’ll learn how to develop and maintain a powerful growth mindset that will allow you to unlock your full potential.



Once you have the right mindset in place, you need a solid plan of action to help you move from  where you are now to where you want to be. Developing a successful growth strategy requires a deep understanding of the bigger picture of your business, a clear vision of what you want to achieve, and the ability to differentiate between trendy, one-off tactics and proven, time-tested methods — that’s where I come in. My #1 strength is providing entrepreneurs with a strategic approach to their business growth.



Once you know how you’re going to achieve your goals and believe that it’s possible, it’s time to startdoing… but many entrepreneurs hit a roadblock when it’s time to put their strategy into action. This coaching program provides the structure, support, and accountability that will help you take intentional and impactful action and get you the results you want.

Building a joyful business shouldn’t be exhausting.

"Working with Lianne has given me the courage to turn down clients who I can tell are just not a good fit for my company. Working with Lianne has given me the courage to stop working with suppliers and employees who do not meet my brand and my company standards, in terms of the level to which I hold myself and my company accountable."

- Mindy A.


"What really resonated with me was the focus on leadership, the focus on building a team, and the focus on mindset, which is something that naturally for me is there. Lianne is direct and I do enjoy working with someone who is direct, someone who is not gonna pull any punches, who's gonna tell you exactly like it is. I also really enjoy that Lianne gives feedback on what she sees — where maybe some of the blocks are and where she sees the potential."

- Natacha P.


"She's a mom and she is working to be a mom and be a business owner, and I am a mom and a business owner. That perspective really is so important. I think that really informs everything that she does and it makes a big difference! I love having the accountability. And I love that there is purpose behind every conversation that we have and every decision that I've made with her help."

- Jenny F.


You and I are going to make some serious magic happen if…

  • You are a highly motivated and growth-minded entrepreneur ready to venture outside of your comfort zone
  • You’re prepared to do the inner work to unlock critical mindset shifts that will take your leadership to the next level
  • You want to learn how to play a bigger game, even if it means letting go of everything you thought you knew about building a successful business
  • You are ready to truly own who you are and what you can offer — and invest in yourself without self doubt or reservations

It's time to start thinking about what the next level looks like for you. Let’s get started!

Book in for a free 30-Minute Strategy Session.

This is a zero-obligation video coaching call where we will see if we are a fit to work together, while you experience what working with an exceptional business coach feels like.


50% Complete

Two Step

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