Episode #304: How to Qualify a Lead

Jul 18, 2024

When it comes to lead generation, quantity can be great, but ultimately quality is by far the most important factor. The truth is that not all leads are created equal and there will only be a select few people that will be an ideal fit to work with you. If your marketing and sales strategies aren’t hitting the mark, it can take a lot of sifting through unqualified leads to find those diamonds in the rough!  


When you chase every lead that comes through or say YES to working with the wrong people, you can wind up having less time for your dream clients, experiencing unnecessary stress, or even getting negative reviews — so let’s work on identifying and closing your best-fit leads!


This episode of The Business of Thinking Big is packed with golden nuggets that will help you focus your sales energy on getting fully booked with the clients you’re meant to serve in your business. Press play to learn the three different types of leads that you’ll encounter in your business, how to identify their position in the customer journey, and how to provide what they need from you when they need it.


In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Which leads you should (and shouldn’t!) spend your valuable time and energy on 
  • How to cultivate your own qualified warm leads list
  • How to use your discovery calls to qualify leads — and the biggest questions you need to ask!

Links mentioned:‌

A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Program

The Business of Thinking Big #30: How to Deal with Dry Spells


Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training


‌Connect with me:  

Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach  

Instagram: @liannekimcoach

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