Episode #205: Unexpected Growth

Oct 26, 2022

The last couple of years have been a time of transition for many people… and for many small businesses. The slower pace of business these days may have you feeling impatient or frustrated — full disclosure, I can feel a little bit impatient myself at times! But it’s important to understand that each person who considers your offers will be at a different stage of readiness, and you won’t always get that instant YES.

These days, many of the people considering your offers will need some time to marinate, even when they TRULY want to work with you… and that’s okay. I can tell you right now, patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to entrepreneurship!

When we hold specific expectations for the ways that things “should” happen in our businesses, it can be very easy to overlook growth and opportunities that don’t match our expectations. When we don’t match up to a specific internalized idea of success, we can feel as though we’re failures or imposters.

It’s time to reconsider the way that you think about growth… and realize that you may be more successful than you give yourself credit for!


In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

  • Why closing a sale isn’t a single moment, but a blend of action and contemplation that can last days, weeks, or even months
  • Why growth can sometimes happen in unexpected ways — and how we can overlook significant progress in our businesses
  • Questions to ask yourself in order to recognize the amazing progress that you may have missed


Timestamps:‌ ‌

00:31  Intro

01:44  Abundant days

03:27  Priorities & patience

05:30  Levels of readiness

06:36  Right people, right time

07:58  Getting to the Yes

08:46  Growth in unexpected ways

 11:34  Launch & garden examples

17:26  What are you not noticing?

18:59  Manifestation exercise & example

24:25  Growth IS happening!


Learn with me: Building a Joyful Business


‌Connect with me:  

Facebook: @liannekimcoach  

Instagram: @liannekimcoach


Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of like-minded mompreneurs and mentors: 

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