It can be scary to show up online as your authentic self. You may feel as though your quirkiness isn’t “professional,” interesting, or even likeable. But the best way to connect honestly with the people most likely to understand and relate to you is to be yourself — even if that means being a little bit messy or offbeat! Remember, people are more likely to want to work with you if they feel that they “get” you!
In this episode, I sit down with one of the incredible speakers featured at our upcoming MamaCon 2022, Nikki Takahashi. Nikki is the founder and CEO of the multi six-figure branding agency Fetching Finn, and her graphic and website design achievements have earned her a Governor General’s Medal. Nikki helps businesses of all shapes and sizes embrace (and build powerful brands around) their quirkiness.
During this conversation, we talk about getting over the fear of taking public stands, finding the right balance between openness and privacy, and our favourite quirky brand case studies. If you’re ready to embrace your uniqueness and infuse your amazing personality into your brand, just press play!
In this episode, you’ll discover:
Love the episode? You’ll want to check out MamaCon and the rest of our amazing speakers!
Guest bio: Nikki Takahashi is a Digital Media Designer and brand strategist who has helped over 300 entrepreneurs embrace and amplify what makes them unique. She is the founder and CEO of a multi-six-figure agency that gets clients noticed in person, online, and in print, and the host of Square Peg Entrepreneur, a podcast featuring industry disruptors and mavericks in business.
00:34 Meet Nikki Takahashi
05:13 Conformity & resisting your quirks
10:04 Fear of being disliked
12:57 Taking stands & evolving
15:43 Shame, privacy & openness
20:24 Daniel Bauer
23:22 Melanie Ziltener
25:07 Showing up on video & podcasts
29:52 Be real & consistent
33:23 Grandmother story
37:01 “You’re a mom now”
40:31 Hero’s journey & MamaCon details
Links mentioned:
Facebook: @thenikkitak
Twitter: @thenikkitak
Instagram: @thenikkitak
Join us at MamaCon!
Episode #192: Make a Ruckus in your Business with Daniel Bauer
Instagram: @mel.the.word.nerd
Episode #156: What it really takes to Launch
Learn with me: Building a Joyful Business
Connect with me:
Facebook: @liannekimcoach
Instagram: @liannekimcoach
Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of like-minded mompreneurs and mentors.
Instagram: @mamasandco
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