Episode #180: Up-level your Money Mindset

May 05, 2022

If you struggle with negative beliefs or emotions about money… you’re not alone!


Many, MANY women entrepreneurs deal with money mindset issues. A lot of this can be traced back to the ideas about money that we were raised with — think about those stereotypes of women being bad with money or overspending frivolously. Obviously, women are perfectly capable of managing their finances and building successful businesses, but how we think and feel about money affects the way we experience and use it.


Hint: even if you think you are free of money mindset issues, they can still pop up when you least expect it — like when you’re on a sales call, deciding how to price your offers, or even building your team.


It’s so important to change the way that women think about money because healing our money mindsets makes it easier and more joyful to earn, grow, and yes — even spend it! Ready to learn some proven strategies for up levelling your money mindset? Just press play!


In this episode, you’ll discover:
• How to pinpoint your location on the money mindset spectrum — and what this means for building your business
• 3 common negative statements that may be shaping your money mindset (and how to counter them!)
• 4 key areas in your business where you can create more positivity and focus in order to shift your money mindset — and how to get started!


00:32   Intro

02:29   Money mindset as a spectrum

04:10   Hidden money mindset issues

05:16   Thoughts create our reality

08:06   Common negative thoughts

09:20   Disneyworld example

11:36    Generational baggage around money

12:24   “Not enough” & “not worth it”

14:13     Making business investments

15:03    4 key areas & first steps

21:33     Take a deeper dive

22:38     Recap


Links mentioned:

Building a Joyful Business

5 Money Beliefs that are Holding You Back

Learn with me: Building a Joyful Business


Connect with me:

Facebook: @liannekimcoach

Instagram: @liannekimcoach


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