Hi, Iā€™m Lianne Kim.

Iā€™m an entrepreneur, speaker, and bestselling author helping women grow and scale joyful, impactful & profitable businesses. Iā€™m so happy that you found me.


If youā€™re on my website, chances are that youā€™re craving more. More revenue. More freedom. More time with your family. More control over what your life ā€” and business ā€” look like. I know this feeling very well. Not only is it the same feeling that led me to launch my own business, itā€™s led countless women to seek out my programs, membership, podcast, and books.

I work with coaches, consultants, and creatives who want moreā€¦ and are ready to step up and play a bigger game!


A little more about me:

  • Iā€™m the founder of Mamas & Co., a thriving community and world-class resource hub that has helped mamapreneurs build and scale successful businesses since 2014
  • Iā€™m the creator of MamaCon, Canadaā€™s largest and longest-running conference dedicated to serving and supporting mom entrepreneurs
  • Iā€™m the host of The Business of Thinking Big podcast, which has released an episode every single week since January 2019 ā€” and sometimes more than one!
  • Iā€™m the two-time bestselling author of Building a Joyful BusinessĀ and REMARKABLE: Stories From Mamapreneurs Who Have Created Success Despite The Odds
  • Iā€™ve spent almostĀ 30 years in sales and deeply understand everything there is to know about selling, from pricing psychology to the art of persuasion ā€” and Iā€™ve helped countless women make millions of dollars by sharing my expertise

Letā€™s see if I can guess a few things about you. I have a hunch that you:

  • Find that the results that youā€™re seeing in your business donā€™t quite match up with the effort that youā€™re putting into itĀ 
  • Wish that you had the courage to charge what youā€™re really worth ā€” without any guilt, self-doubt, or hesitationĀ 
  • Want to fully step into your CEO role, get out of the administrative weeds, and start focusing on the aspects of your business that you genuinely love to doĀ 
  • Dream about being able to check in on your team just once a week ā€” and still feel absolutely confident that your business is running smoothly
  • Want to stop choosing between family and business and find real, meaningful, and lasting balance

How did I do? Was I close? If so, I can help you.

How it all startedā€¦

My story probably sounds familiar. I made the decision to launch my business while deeply entrenched in the corporate world. Like many new entrepreneurs fleeing their 9-5, I wanted to create a more joyful, balanced, and abundant life. I wanted the 20-hour work week. I wanted the blissful vacations. I wanted the lazy Friday brunches and the freedom to book a spontaneous spa day (at the fancy place, not the budget one.)

Ā So I took a deep breath, counted to three, and took the plunge. While Iā€™d love to tell you that I was an instant success, we both know that isnā€™t how it works.

Ā Yes, there was a huge learning curve. Yes, it took far more work than Iā€™d anticipated (and Iā€™d known that it would be tough). No, I didnā€™t have all the answers ā€” at least, not right away. While my extensive background in sales gave me a powerful leg up, I had to put in the time to master the other important aspects of my business.Ā 

Growing a team, for example.

Ā During the first few years, I struggled with ā€˜do-it-all-yourselfā€™ syndrome. It wasnā€™t until about nine monthsĀ in that I caved and hired my first employee. Today, I lead a passionate and engaged team of a dozen women located all around the world who love working together and celebrating wins ā€” and I can take my family on a month-long vacation in France without worrying that my business will fall apart in my absence.

If you feel as though thatā€™s out of reach for you, I want you to know that I once felt the exact same wayā€¦ and I was just as wrong then as you are now.

Since launching my business, Iā€™ve hit many milestones that once seemed nearly impossible: surpassing six figures of revenue, growing an online membership to over 150Ā members, releasing two bestselling books, and running a go-to annual conference for mom entrepreneurs.

Now, I use everything Iā€™ve learned to help women grow and scale their own businesses, more quickly, easefully, and joyfully.

Women have historically taken a backseat when it comes toā€¦ well, everything.

Weā€™re so good at supporting others and letting them shine, while telling ourselves that we canā€™t have that, too. Add a big helping of mom guilt, and itā€™s easy to feel as though you have to settle for less.Ā 

Iā€™m here to tell you: thatā€™s bullshit.Ā 

You CAN have a thriving business that serves your needs, fills your bank account, and gives you the freedom to build the life that you want. In fact, I believe that itā€™s your birthright.

Women entrepreneurs arenā€™t just supporting our families. We are changing lives and transforming the world. Not only can we have it allā€¦ we deserve to.

My mission is to help you tap into your highest potential as a leader, a business owner, and a role model for the next generation of women. Because while the world needs the work that you do, it doesnā€™t need you to struggle!Ā 

Looking for a high-energy & impactful speaker? Letā€™s talk.

Iā€™m always ready to talk about business strategy, mindset work, and finding balance. Whether youā€™re looking for a seasoned podcast guest who can pack an episode with practical tips or an inspiring keynote speaker whoā€™ll deliver those meaningful mic-drop moments, Iā€™d love to offer your audience an unforgettable experience.

Potential topics include:

  • Creating a Business That Brings You Joy
  • Mindset Traps That Prevent You From Scaling
  • Cultivating a Productivity Mindset
  • Combatting Entrepreneurial Anxiety
  • Making Space for Motherhood

Download my media kit here

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